Saturday, February 17, 2007

Westinghouse Editing Begins

Amid all the Classic Game Room hooplah this week on YouTube and on my blog, I took some time off that film and begin editing my documentary film on George Westinghouse.

Feed me.

...And yet Stella continues to wait patiently for food and/or the return of the Classic Game Room. Actually we were taunting her with a piece of lunchmeat for this photo and her ears were trembling she was so excited. This dog just loves sliced ham and turkey.

Anyway, the editing on the Classic Game Room is complete for the 1st draft of the film. I always take a week or two away from a project before I complete it, just so I'm not looking at it EVERY SINGLE DAY OVER AND OVER AND OVER... you get the idea.

I finished filming at The George Westinghouse Museum and began working with my footage this week on the editing system. Pulling from my notes and interview with Ed Reis (The executive director) I continued to write the film and edit visuals at the same time. My steadicam shots of the George Westinghouse Monument in Schenley Park turned out really well, as did the shots of the Daniel Chester French bust of Mr. Westinghouse. Below is a shot of us filming the monument.

George Westinghouse Monument in Schenley Park

The shadow is from the statue... not one of us!

The Westinghouse film is going to be very exciting, starting at the beginning of his life and going clear through the present. Covering some cool things like Elektro and Sparko, The Westinghouse Air Brakes, Battle of the Currents, The Westinghouse Electric Car, World's Fairs, Westinghouse Electric, Bertha and Benjamin Lamme, Niagara Falls power generation, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison and much, much more. I was working with some original sketches of Westinghouse appliances the other day from the 30's, the real drawings that were used to make the iconic refridgerators and washing machines that we all know today.

Thank you for the blog comment Liam, enjoyed the drawing. And thank you to all the YouTubers who have supported Classic Game Room. I promose the Classic Game Room film will not disappoint!! In response to my "Valentine's Day" Classic Game Room posting I've seen these awesome responses:

Liam said: Hey Mark!
Many thanks for the public valentines day present. ...I look forward to HOPEFULLY brand new future game room episodes.

kolibiri said:
Wow, even better than I was expecting the show to be. Awesome video, I look forward to more :)

robotbling said:
happy valentine's day indeed, lol

chiguy23 said:
great stuff, please put more of these episodes on youtube.

Sashanein said:
Hah, funny that you chose this episode. It was one of the two or three where you gave me a shoutout. (edited out of this one of course). Love this episode to death!

and my favorite... karry299 said:
With reviews like this one - its for a greater good that you guys got "cancelled".

More info to come on Westinghouse. And keep an eye out for new video blog material at my YouTube channel here:

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